Investar Beta Version History |
Investar Beta Release (6th January 2021)- CHANGE: Changed color code for LTP in GreenRedBlack Chart Theme to make it more readable.
 - BUGFIX: When switching back to IEL from IQL mode, it is asking to purchase Auto-SRT add-on even though query did not have anything to do with Auto-SRT.
- BUGFIX: Sometimes the candle for today was not merged properly.
- BUGFIX: On some slow machines, it took a long time in “Syncing Scans”.
- BUGFIX: Reduced the hits made by the software on the custom scan server between 9:16 am to 9:30 pm for better performance.
Investar Beta Release (11th December 2020)- BUGFIX: Sometimes candle is not updated on the chart.
- BUGFIX: Fixed issue where google chrome was opening instead of Kite login while placing zerodha order.
- BUGFIX: Fixed issue where spread symbols were not added in proper format into Basket while placing zerodha order.
- BUGFIX: Divergence is not plotted properly when Auto SR based on current cursor is enabled or Future bars are added.
Investar Beta Release (26th November 2020)- CHANGE: Changed the ordering of columns in Technicals view of Portfolio module and Scans & Favorites module for simpler understanding.
 - BUGFIX: Improved overall tick performance in custom scan.
- BUGFIX: Sometimes close of daily candle were wrong after EOD.
- BUGFIX: Bull and Bear symbol was not showing in 'Stoch' column of Technicals view in Portfolio module.
- BUGFIX: In Browser pane, new tab does not open any link directly.
- BUGFIX: Sometimes, Chart was not updated while changing a layout.
- BUGFIX: Sometimes, spread chart only showed price of the first symbol.
- BUGFIX: While Switching between 6-Win layouts, scrip got changed.
Investar Beta Release (5th November 2020)- FEATURE: Added 'Default Order Details' tab in 'Order Management' which will allow to save default order details for faster zerodha order placement.
 - CHANGE: Improved overall tick performance and timing in software.
 - CHANGE: Expired fo symbol charts will be shown only to Pro edition subscribers.
 - CHANGE: Orders already present in basket will be easily editable now with single click. More user convenience on the way.
 - CHANGE: Prompt user to clear or add orders while placing new a order if there are already existing orders present in Basket.
 - BUGFIX: Sometime Need to delete 2.0 folder and reinstall investar.
- BUGFIX: For some stocks last candle in the intraday chart is missing.
- BUGFIX: Fixed focus shifting from Favorites to Scans after new scans were computed in market hours.
- BUGFIX: Fixed where portfolio symbols were going blank for expired Future and Options symbols.
- BUGFIX: Fixed where it was showing inappropriate sign of Gain/Loss % for 'Total of Stocks' in Portfolio tab.
- BUGFIX: Fixed PDF contract note imports for Angel Broking and ICICI Securities.
Investar Beta Release (16th October 2020)- FEATURE: Ability to Synchronize Cursor across different charts of a Chart Layout.
 - FEATURE: Added support for Expired F&O Symbols in Chart (Pro Edition users only).
 - FEATURE: Added Show Strong Auto Divergences option, which if unchecked gives divergences within 2 bars also.
 - FEATURE: Support for Drag & Drop and Copy/Paste for attaching files and screen shots in attachment box of 'Report a Problem' for user convenience.
 - FEATURE: Support for importing PDF contract notes of Axis Securities and Motilal Oswal.
 - FEATURE: Fixed and Improved Zerodha Trading with support for placing orders of Spread symbols (e.g. Straddles and Strangles).
 - FEATURE: Added support for all types of Equity/Hybrid Mutual Funds.
 - CHANGE: Improved overall tick performance and timing in software.
 - CHANGE: Increase number of Chart Layouts and Number of Chart Views for all editions.
 - CHANGE: Change internal browser from Internet explorer to Microsoft Edge.
 - CHANGE: Improve the performance of cursor in multi window layout.
 - CHANGE: Improve the performance of Zoom In, Zoom Out in multi window Chart Layout view sync mode.
 - CHANGE: Instead of restart computation of all queries we only restart those queries who need to be restart after changing Tools and Options properties.
 - CHANGE: Exporting Scans and Favorites is now improved and color formatted for better viewing experience.
 - CHANGE: Added Ctl-A/Ctl-X/Ctl-V Key Short-Cuts in Symbol lookup box.
 - CHANGE: Support for Price Alert on Spread Symbols.
 - CHANGE: Added diagnostic logs to detect corrupt custom scan data files.
 - BUGFIX: Fixed Zerodha "Place Order" issues.
- BUGFIX: Sometimes, new queries in custom scan gave wrong results.
- BUGFIX: In some circumstancces, 1-min data was not merged properly in intraday chart.
- BUGFIX: Sometimes, Daily custom scans gave wrong resuls.
- BUGFIX: DayHigh and DayLow based Custom scans did not give proper results after EOD.
- BUGFIX: Harmonic patterns could not be made permanent.
- BUGFIX: Sometimes Change% value was wrong in favorite tree.
- BUGFIX: Adx based scan gave error in IQL.
- BUGFIX: Sometimes Focus is changed to chart layout combo box, when pressing down key in chart window.
- BUGFIX: Profit/Loss Analysis pane was showing different price than trading diary in Portfolio.
- BUGFIX: Fixed PDF contract note imports for Edelweiss Broking, ICICI Securities, Angel Broking.
- BUGFIX: Fixed HTML contract note imports for Share Khan and Kotak Securities.
- BUGFIX: Mapping Zerodha symbols with Investar symbols after importing Zerodha XML contract note.
- BUGFIX: After placing successful order, some orders went missing in Order Book.
- BUGFIX: Custom Scan Buy/Sell signals were not shown when using n% in query.
- BUGFIX: Expired option srips were shown in option chain on fridays.
- BUGFIX: Scan results in text file saves results based on intraday update freq even when intraday screener is not purchased.
Investar Beta Release (4th June 2020)- FEATURE: Added New Harmonic Patterns In Chart as well as in Custom Scan.
 - FEATURE: Added “Any Bullish” and “Any Bearish” Harmonic Patterns in Custom Scan.
 - FEATURE: Added PR Zones of Harmonic Patterns.
 - FEATURE: Added Partial Harmonic Patterns to show Harmonic Patterns that can potentially complete in future.
 - FEATURE: Option to “Remove Drawing from Layer(s)”.
 - CHANGE: Added option to change width and style of Harmonic Patterns.
 - CHANGE: Added option to not show ABCD patterns overlapping with XABCD.
 - CHANGE: Color for all Bullish and Bearish Harmonic patterns are same.
 - CHANGE: Enhanced Right-Click menu for Auto-Harmonic Patterns.
 - CHANGE: Added Open Interest as bar chart rather than line chart (To add a line chart, just add SMA(1) and set color of bars to hide them).
 - BUGFIX: Some time Favorite Tree and all scans were disappeared after clear scan cache.
- BUGFIX: Scrips were sometimes not getting preserved in the favorite group.
- BUGFIX: Sometimes the chart layout got corrupted.
- BUGFIX: Change% and Vortex based custom scan for “n bars back” automcatically got changed to “current bar”.
- BUGFIX: Trial used user is not able to login after giving Trial manually from the website.
- BUGFIX: When init is going on and custom scan EOD happens then in this case EOD scans become no scans.
- BUGFIX: Custom scan parameter gets changed automatically for scan based on slow stochastic.
- BUGFIX: At times, Vwap crossing above/below supertrend gave wrong results in custom scan.
- BUGFIX: PriceChan indicator is not supported in pure IQL.
- BUGFIX: Custom scan status remains In sync after EOD of both exchange completes.
- BUGFIX: Unable to change thickness of PVO Histogram.
- BUGFIX: For ohlc bar type chart, the ohlc bar should be colored green if close > prev_close and red if close < prev_close.
- BUGFIX: When DayOpen was included in Custom Scan, Buy/Sell signals were not displayed.
Investar Beta Release (19th March 2020)- FEATURE: Show Call and Put Chart simultaneously when you click on Strike Price in Option Chain.
 - CHANGE: Option Chain UI Improvements (including OIChge%).
 - CHANGE: Instead of 15 days EOD trial, now we will give only 7 days trial.
 - CHANGE: EOD and Intraday trial start at the same time.
 - BUGFIX: Sometimes NSE and NSEFO EOD custom scan gives 'No Scans'.
- BUGFIX: Sometimes the software crashed when switching layouts.
- BUGFIX: Sometimes Custom scan based buy/sell signals were not showing on chart.
Investar Beta Release (29th January 2020) - CHANGE: User subscribed for MF addon will get MF.
 - BUGFIX: LRC Indicator is not getting plotted properly on charts.
- BUGFIX: At times, the Auto-Divergence scans contained some wrong scrips.
- BUGFIX: Chart scrips automatically changed when user visited any Fav Group.
- BUGFIX: Chart view name is not saved correctly after the maximum chart view limit exceeds.
- BUGFIX: No Multi TF scans available was displayed in status bar even though there are scan results present.
- BUGFIX: Scrip sorting is not working properly in Scan and Fav right pane.
- BUGFIX: Import transaction button in portfolio toolbar was not showing pdf and html options.
- BUGFIX: Portfolio group is not working in multiple groups functionality of Favorite scan filter.
- BUGFIX: Auto SR options and chart type icon were disabled even after removing comparison.
- BUGFIX: Ann EPS Gr% and Ann Sales Gr% values are not displayed properly in excel file when exported through a custom fav view.
Investar Beta Release (10th January 2020) - FEATURE: XML contract note support for Zerodha.
 - FEATURE: Show Chart option in Profit-Loss Analysis Pane and Portfolio Pane by right click on scrip name.
 - CHANGE: Custom TF and Multi-TF scans filter setting will be different for different exchanges.
 - CHANGE: Auto SRT based on current cursor, Enable/Disable Auto SR Zones, Auto Harmonic Pattern based on current cursor is now part of Chart View.
 - BUGFIX: Sometimes due to Chart settings, Investar Beta got crashed.
- BUGFIX: Spread chart does not update automatically.
- BUGFIX: Donchian channel in custom scan were not working sometimes.
- BUGFIX: Heikenashi-Doji pattern in custom scan were not working.
- BUGFIX: PDF export of Portfolio was not working properly.
- BUGFIX: Support of DayVolume in IQL.
- BUGFIX: FOR N BARS in custom scan was not working properly.
- BUGFIX: Custom scans for custom timeframe didn't work when scan filter is on favorites.
- BUGFIX: Auto Harmonic patterns custom scan were not working properly.
- BUGFIX: Sometimes Custom Scan stays in Computing for 5 min Base Addon users.
- BUGFIX: Daily - EOD custom scans were not working if the user has not purchased the intraday screener.
- BUGFIX: Sometimes Custom scan stays in Computing stage in the favorite tree.
- BUGFIX: Vortex is not supported in IQL.
- BUGFIX: Sometimes Custom Scan status did not refresh.
- BUGFIX: Bollinger Band in IQL was not working properly.
Investar Beta Release (28th November 2019) - FEATURE: Only Buyers/Sellers in predefined scans.
 - FEATURE: New Indicator (Anchored VWAP).
 - FEATURE: Buy/Sell signal shortcut on left click of custom scan.
 - FEATURE: Auto Harmonic Pattern Scans are now available.
 - FEATURE: Support for Color, thickness and dashedness for Auto Trend lines.
 - FEATURE: Support color, thickness and dashed-ness for Auto-Divergence lines.
 - FEATURE: Support color for Auto-SR zones.
 - FEATURE: "Slide Show" is now available for all Fav groups, (normal, index, industry or others).
 - FEATURE: Contract note Support of Fortune Trading Corporation and RKSV Securities India Pvt Ltd.
 - CHANGE: Backup Porfolio right click options available for Portfolio and Portfolio Account.
 - CHANGE: Custom timeframes were not shown in RR configuration.
 - CHANGE: Support Show chart options in Portfolio by right click on portfolio scrip name.
 - CHANGE: "Show Industry Comparison" menu should be enabled when in Chart Pane and Fundamentals Pane.
 - CHANGE: New Index categorization based on priority.
 - BUGFIX: In DMA, positive displacement was not working as expected.
- BUGFIX: Chart in multiple windows was not getting printed properly.
- BUGFIX: Unable to change the thickness of PVO Histogram.
- BUGFIX: Donchian channels based custom scans were giving some wrong results.
- BUGFIX: Filter criteria in composite scan did not persist.
- BUGFIX: Software used to gets hanged for some seconds every time after saving a custom scan.
- BUGFIX: Scan alerts are not raised for some of the time frames.
- BUGFIX: Fixed Hdfc contract note import.
- BUGFIX: RSI followed by supertrend showed computing in navigation pane with same as tf update frequency.
- BUGFIX: At times, Custom scan is in computing stage in navigation pane even the computation is done.
- BUGFIX: Custom Timeframe is now supported in IQL.
Investar Beta Release (24th October 2019)- FEATURE: Support for AND, OR in multiple timeframe query.
 - FEATURE: Support for nested brackets in multiple timeframe query.
 - FEATURE: Support for custom timeframes in multi timeframe query in IQL.
 - FEATURE: Dynamic updation of NSE & BSE Indices.
 - FEATURE: Support to change priority of timeframe group.
 - CHANGE: Scan alerts: Cursor will be preserved on latest alert
 - BUGFIX: Sometimes weekly and monthly scan of EOD only exchanges shows no scans.
- BUGFIX: Multiple timeframe custom scan not working properly in EOD Addon.
- BUGFIX: Sometimes custom scans do not start computing on restart of tool.
- BUGFIX: The name column was not resizable.
- BUGFIX: Until not refreshed(The fav tree), the scripts when moved from one folder are not seen in the destination group.
- BUGFIX: Edit/Delete scan option was not visible in Manage Custom scan in some resolutions.
- BUGFIX: Adx based scan used to get changed when converted into IQL and then back to IEL in BETA.
- BUGFIX: n-times and n% was not supported in IQL with VWAP.
- BUGFIX: In some resolutions chart used to get exported partially.
- BUGFIX: For Daily EOD scan, multi-tf scan alerts used to raise on every minute.
- BUGFIX: Cursor not preserved when moving back from one window layout to multiple window layout.
- BUGFIX: Application sometimes crashed on editing indicator.
- BUGFIX: Remove all buy/sell signals option did not remove custom scan based signals.
- BUGFIX: Linear Regression Channel indicator - StdDev values may not be correct and colors are getting switched.
Investar Beta Release (29th August 2019)- FEATURE: Support for Mutual Fund scans and its alerts.
 - FEATURE: Support for Auto Divergence scans in Custom Screener.
 - FEATURE: Support for Auto Harmonic Pattern.
 - FEATURE: Support to create custom timeframe layer for drawings.
 - FEATURE: Support Supertrend and EMA crossover with VWAP in custom scan.
 - FEATURE: Values in Favorite Tree and Favorite pane will update according to scan advisor timeframe for user defined favorite view.
 - FEATURE: A way of comparing BB band and Ichimoku in custom screener.
 - FEATURE: New UI look & feel for Software.
 - FEATURE: Now user can sort groups in favorites using group type.
 - FEATURE: Spread Chart is supported for minus operation for F&O in charts and favorites.
 - FEATURE: Keyboard shortcut for full screen (F11).
 - FEATURE: New Drawings 1) Arc 2) Cypher Pattern.
 - FEATURE: Support for Aroon,Awesome Oscillator,VMAP,WMA,OI Change %, Day Vol, Opening Range, Open Interest in user-defined Favorite View.
 - CHANGE: NSE and NSEFO EOD will be done independently.
 - CHANGE: Advances and Declines in market overview pane will be updated according to user's data addon.
 - CHANGE: Divergence will be calculated only for 60 bars.
 - CHANGE: Support for NR7 pattern upto 1 bar back.
 - CHANGE: UI for create/edit layer for drawing.
 - CHANGE: Added total as footer instead of row in MarketPane FII-DII.
 - CHANGE: Added labels in Auto SR Zone for better readablity.
 - CHANGE: Extended line for Auto trendline now has a different line type for better understanding.
 - CHANGE: Tools-options dialog size changed for better visibility of tabs.
 - CHANGE: Auto-drawings should not be move-able after making permanent.
 - CHANGE: In stop loss for short term minimum is 5% it should be editable for values less than 5(same is for long term).
 - CHANGE: Improved Auto-SR and Auto-SR Zone algorithm to show more SR lines and zones in intraday timeframes.
 - BUGFIX: Too much time taken in syncing scans.
- BUGFIX: Sometimes from 5min to monthly got no scans after restarting tool.
- BUGFIX: Sometimes tool got crashed when user changed exchange in scan advisor.
- BUGFIX: Sometimes all custom scans are stuck in "Computing" in case of pure IQL query.
- BUGFIX: Unable to filter period in trading diary.
- BUGFIX: Wrong scan results for multi tf scans based on RSI.
- BUGFIX: Unable to remove favorite groups from the slideshow tab.
- BUGFIX: Issue with sorting based on Vol% in Home Pane.
- BUGFIX: Under certain cases, unable to remove scan condition from composite scan.
- BUGFIX: If NSE F&O is selected in lookup menu when software is restarted this setting is not preserved.
- BUGFIX: Beta sometimes crashed when clicking on Vol% sort option.
- BUGFIX: Corrected some calculation issues in LTCG P/L analysis.
- BUGFIX: Stock Rating menu was sometimes disabled in favorites.
- BUGFIX: Blank Space is added on creating New chart View.
- BUGFIX: Basic Edition MACD indicators vanished on restart. (Customer issue).
- BUGFIX: Indicators gets disappeared automatically from the first area in Basic Edition.
Investar Beta Minor Release (13th June 2019)- CHANGE: Alphabetical Sorting is turned back on in Favorite groups.
 - BUGFIX: In some cases, Scan Alerts are raised incorrectly for Custom time-frames with Partial frequency.
- BUGFIX: Trading Diary period filter was not working.
- BUGFIX: Drawings in higher time frame (M-W-Q-Y) were not preserved.
- BUGFIX: At times, Indicators vanished in Basic edition.
Investar Beta Minor Release (23rd May 2019)- CHANGE: Check All option is now available in Manage Custom Scans Pane.
 - CHANGE: Functionality to hide/show drawings in chart.
 - CHANGE: Option to change up/down color of EWO, Macd Histogram, Awesome Oscillator indicator.
 - CHANGE: Ctl-F to put cursor focus on scrip code lookup.
 - CHANGE: If fractional values are 0 in chart Y-axis they should not be shown.
 - CHANGE: Optimization of computation time during checking/unchecking of timeframe and creating/deleting custom timeframe
 - BUGFIX: Fixed some issues in direct, regular and dividend options in MF lookup dialog.
- BUGFIX: Sometimes Investar used to crash at 30%.
- BUGFIX: In Some cases Vol% field not visible in Home Pane.
- BUGFIX: BBwidth did not support value like 0.04 in right side.
- BUGFIX: In Case Of just FO sometimes scan filter favorites was not wroking for futures group.
- BUGFIX: Some users used to get wrong scan alerts for IQL based scan for custom tf.
- BUGFIX: On few occasions "Scans as of" status was mismatched.
- BUGFIX: Added Support of negative values in IQL.
- BUGFIX: Zerodha order completion status was not returned to software.
- BUGFIX: Added support for OI, DayOI, Volume in custom scan UI.
- BUGFIX: Portfolio Buy/Sell transactions should be visible in weekly and higher timeframe charts also.
- BUGFIX: Corporate events are not displayed in the Higher time frame of daily on chart.
- BUGFIX: Cursor came to close of candle when 'Divergence based on Current Cursor and 'Cursor tracks mouse' is on.
- BUGFIX: Automatically EOD in custom screener did not happen.
- BUGFIX: Wrong scan results for custom scans based on change%
- BUGFIX: Daily Custom Scan results for 1-min update frequency, were showing some symbols in GREY.
- BUGFIX: Existing Auto-SR scans vanished on editing a different query or on creating new query in custom scan.
- BUGFIX: Scan based on Volume and Change% were giving wrong results in custom screener.
Investar Beta Release (9th May 2019)- FEATURE: Support of Risk/Reward ratio in custom screener.
 - FEATURE: Introducing new drawings: i) Gann Square, ii) Gann Box, iii) ABCD harmonic pattern, iv) XABCD harmonic pattern
 - FEATURE: Support of Custom timeframes in Multi-timeframe scans.
 - FEATURE: Support of Awesome Oscillator and ATP indicators in custom screener and chart.
 - FEATURE: Support of DayVol and DayOI in price action custom screener.
 - FEATURE: Support of Heiken-Ashi and Price Action chart buy/sell signal in custom scan.
 - FEATURE: Support of Weekly - Weekly, Monthly - Monthly scans in custom sreener for intraday users.
 - FEATURE: Support of N bars back in Price Action category of custom screener.
 - FEATURE: Support of Auto-Divergence at Current Cursor.
 - FEATURE: Support Delivery Volume Percentage indicator.
 - FEATURE: Added option "Move Favorite group" in Favorite Tree.
 - FEATURE: Added multiple group filter support in Scan Filter.
 - CHANGE: Improved RAM performance for lower configuration system.
 - CHANGE: Improved EOD computation in custom scan to reduce RAM and CPU consumption.
 - CHANGE: Added color shading in Fibonacci Extension, Fibonacci Retracements and Percentage Extension drawings.
 - CHANGE: Support of Samco Securities Limited’s Contract Note.
 - CHANGE: Open drawing menu just by right click on drawing without selecting drawing.
 - CHANGE: Drawing grouping in drawing tool bar.
 - CHANGE: Optimized Scrip Code lookup menu which fixes some bugs introduced in Beta.
 - BUGFIX: DayHigh and DayLow scan were giving "No Scans" in Favorite Tree on next day.
 - BUGFIX: Support Zone 2 based custom scans are not supported.
 - BUGFIX: Scans were updating every 1min/5min (depending on addon) for all higher custom Tfs.
 - BUGFIX: NR7 and NR4 pattern were not giving correct result in some cases.
 - BUGFIX: Custom Scan status is not displayed properly in case of EOD addon.
 - BUGFIX: Negative values were not supported in IQL.
 - BUGFIX: Corporate actions(Bonus, Divisions) were not display on chart.
 - BUGFIX: Sometimes Scan Alerts on custom scan queries used to show wrong date in case of EOD addon
 - BUGFIX: Sometimes issues were faced in scans while using Favorites Scans Filter.
 - BUGFIX: In some cases scan alerts based on predefined scans were not preserved.
 - BUGFIX: Sometimes wrong calculation used to happen for Short-Term Capital Gains.
 - BUGFIX: Scan alerts used to be raised partially even though scan timeframe was full in case of 5 min addon.
 - BUGFIX: Sometimes software used to crash when user clicked on "Create Custom Scan".
 - BUGFIX: Scan Alert Criteria were not preserved for users of Auto-SR addon.

Investar Beta Release (15th February 2019)- FEATURE: Introducing Investar Query Language – for more advanced Custom Scans.
- FEATURE: Support for Hybrid IEL-IQL mode, IQL Only mode and IEL Only mode.
- FEATURE: Auto-Divergence in Chart (available with Auto-SR addon).
- FEATURE: Auto-Trendline scans.
- FEATURE: Auto-SR zone scans.
- FEATURE: HeikenAshi scans for candlestick and limited indicators (RSI, MACD, SUPT, EMA, ADX, ATR, CO, EMA on RSI, FI, PPO, TRIX, VROC )
- FEATURE: Spread Chart support (+, -, / * operators)
- FEATURE: Chart Keyboard Short-cuts.
- FEATURE: Added Chart Type menu next to timeframe menu.
- FEATURE: Draw Auto-Trendlines based on cursor/date.
- FEATURE: Right-click option to Extend Auto-Trendline Right
- FEATURE: Auto SR-Zones can now be made permanent.
- FEATURE: Linking of ChartView->time-frame with ScansAdvisor->time-frame for faster navigation of scans
- FEATURE: Custom Favorite Views can now be defined.
- CHANGE: Removed 4min, 2h, 4h, 2d, 3d chart pre-defined timeframes.
- CHANGE: Preloaded 75-min custom timeframe to enable 75-min custom scans.
- CHANGE: Provide suppport for TrustLine, SBICap Securities, Zerodha, RKSV Securities Pvt. Ltd.
- BUGFIX: Drawing support for custom timeframe.
- BUGFIX: New Query with existing Indicator's parameter did not compute in Daily EOD.
- BUGFIX: Buy/sell signals are not coming for Donchian channel based custom scan.
- BUGFIX: Fixed issue related to DayOpen in custom scans.
- BUGFIX: Auto Trendline options were disabled on fresh install.
- BUGFIX: Predefined scans gets vanished on favorite group.
- BUGFIX: CPU performance fixes while using custom scan.
- BUGFIX: Scan filter was not working on favorites properly.
- BUGFIX: Reset functionality was not working for composite scan.
- BUGFIX: Unnecessary download of active futures data for custom scans.
- BUGFIX: Software stuck at 30% when changing version.
Investar Beta Release (29th November 2018)- CHANGE: We will take DayHigh to calculate LTCG gain loss previously we used Close.
- CHANGE: Improved S/R zone calculation.
- CHANGE: Auto Trend lines are now part of Chart View.
- BUGFIX: Computation was sometimes stuck in 5 min to 1 hour.
- BUGFIX: When Custom Scan had a computation issue, Favorites filter was not applied properly.
- BUGFIX: Auto trendline drawn in candlestick chart was displayed for a short while when changing to Renko and P&F Chart.
- BUGFIX: Delvol is display Zero in Weekly,Monthly,Quarterly and Yearly.
- BUGFIX: If user create layer of 75-Min timeframe, then user was not able to add new drawing.
- BUGFIX: ADX query in custom scan were giving wrong result if the parameter is not equal to 14.
- BUGFIX: In Inchimoku Custom Scan, RHS could not have same parameter as LHS.
- BUGFIX: DayHigh/DayLow custom scans were sometimes not accurate.
Investar Beta Release (2nd November 2018)- CHANGE Improvements in Trendline ranking algorithm for Auto-Trendline feature.
- BUGFIX Sometimes Auto-SR based on current cursor did not give correct results.
- BUGFIX Auto-SR Zones were sometimes not characterized properly as Support or Resistance Zone.
- BUGFIX Auto-Trendlines used to disappear when adding Future Bars.
- BUGFIX Needed to Clear Scan Cache for updating of results.
- BUGFIX Custom Scan based on Bollinger Bands and Volume does not show Buy/Sell signals.
- BUGFIX Custom Scan based on Day High/Day Low were sometimes wrong.
- BUGFIX SAR based Buy/Sell signals were not working for Custom Scans.
- BUGFIX Date and Time for Scan Alerts were sometimes wrong.
- BUGFIX Scan alerts are not properly raised when update frequency is kept as same as time frame in Multi Timeframe scans.
- BUGFIX Multi Timeframe scan alerts were not raised in case of 5-min addon.
- BUGFIX Sorting order based on Vol% was not preserved.
- BUGFIX Sometimes a symbol’s data was not updated properly when added to Favorite Tree.
- BUGFIX Sometimes creating a new query caused it to stay in the "Computing" state.
- BUGFIX Backup files were not recovered properly
Investar Beta Release (16th October 2018)- FEATURE: Support to draw Auto-SR Lines based on cursor/date with freezing and unfreezing.
 - FEATURE: Support for Auto S/R Zones in chart.
 - FEATURE: Auto Trendline support in chart.
 - FEATURE: Custom Timeframe support in chart and custom scan with scan alerts.
 - FEATURE: Option to align candles to market hours in chart and custom scan.
 - FEATURE: Price action pattern support in custom scan.
 - FEATURE: Opening Range Breakout Custom Scans.
 - FEATURE: Nested Bracket support in custom scans to create complex conditions.
 - FEATURE: Sub-Query enable/disable support in custom scan.
 - FEATURE: Delivery Volume in chart and custom scan now available.
 - FEATURE: Introducing Chandelier Exit and Vortex indicator in chart and custom scan.
 - FEATURE: Introducing 20+ new indicators in custom scan.(DEMA, TEMA, WMA, Vortex, MFI, PSAR, Aroon, Williams%R, ForceIndex, Momentum, PROC, VROC, PPO, Chaikin Oscillator, Elliott Wave Oscillator, StochRSI, Chandelier Exit, Price Channels, Donchian Channels, %B, Typical Price, Standard Deviation)
 - FEATURE: Multi-select functionality in favorites
 - FEATURE:Scan Alert Notifications on Mobile (Supported for Investar Mobile Release and Beta).
 - CHANGE: New Menu for Chart timeframe and duration for better visibility.
- CHANGE: Indicator names have been made more readable.
- CHANGE: Add option to save Scan results in single text file.
- CHANGE: Add Label in Prev day/Today OHLC lines for better visibility.
- CHANGE: Add new option to remove Indicator from chart area when all chart area are full while adding new indicator.
- CHANGE: Provide support for new Zerodha contract note.
- CHANGE: On login Password can be saved with user id.
- BUGFIX: After new query on Multi-TF, even after "All in sync" it was showing "no scans/computing".
- BUGFIX: Sometimes the software took a lot of hard disk space.
- BUGFIX: Sometimes Investar Beta was stuck in custom scan restart.
- BUGFIX: Investar Beta used to minimize when any progress form is closed.
- BUGFIX: Investar Beta crashed if custom scan query editing is done more than 300 times.
- BUGFIX: Group scan alert not working when editing for cash scrip.
- BUGFIX: Some add-ons were incorrectly enabled for Standard users.
Investar Beta Release (Minor) (17th August 2018)- CHANGE:Enhanced performance with reduced memory usage.
 - BUGFIX: DayHigh etc scans were not working in Custom Screener.
 - BUGFIX: Favorites Scan Filter and Multi-Timeframe Scans Timeframe were not working together.
 - BUGFIX: In some cases, the scans were left in “Computing State” after a new query was fired.

Investar Beta Release (27th July 2018)- FEATURE:Scan Alert Notifications on Mobile (Currently supported for Investar Mobile Beta)
- FEATURE: CCI is now supported in custom scan.
- FEATURE: MACD Histogram supported as a sub indicator of MACD in custom scan.
- FEATURE: Add/Edit Scan Alert Criteria at group level.
- FEATURE: Show Previous Day’s/Current Day’s OHLC lines
- CHANGE: Multi-Tf Query will be visible only in Multi-Tf filter.
- BUGFIX: Point and Figure chart was not visible properly in LimeGreenBlack theme.
- BUGFIX: Point and Figure chart first candle was not drawn properly.
- BUGFIX: Point and Figure chart was not drawn properly for percentage(%) style.
- BUGFIX: Custom Scan Enable/Disable was not properly working in some scenarios.
- BUGFIX: Scan filter second filter is not working, when we use Multi TF ( For e.g., if we keep NSE nifty, the results will come from NSE ALL. Or If we keep NSE Future and Cont1m, the results will come from NSE futures ALL.
- BUGFIX: No watchlists were shown when Scan time frame set to Multi TF.
- BUGFIX: Changed structure of LTCG analysis as per new LTCG rules.
- BUGFIX: Once if a query is written and the user wants to change timeframe, he has to rewrite the whole query again.
Investar Beta Release (5th July 2018)- FEATURE:Point And Figure charts are now supported.
- FEATURE: Multiple Timeframe custom scans and scan alerts are now supported.
- FEATURE:75 Minutes timeframe (Exact 5 candles per day will be formed.)
- FEATURE:Profit/Loss Analysis now generates separate Gain/Loss as required for recent LTCG changes.
- FEATURE: Support added for Bollinger Bandwidth and Avg. True Range in Indicator.
- FEATURE: Day Open-High-Low scans are now supported in Price Action category.
- FEATURE:Removed Pre-Session tick (9:15 am) throughout the software based on customer feedback.
- FEATURE: OI chg% instead of OI% in Favorites and Favorites Pane.
- FEATURE: EMA on RSI is now supported.
- FEATURE: Ability to Save Scan Results in Text File.
- FEATURE: Font Size of Drawing and Data Window can be changed from Chart Theme Setting.
- FEATURE: Option to customize Volume bar colors added.
- FEATURE: Added support for Vibrant Securities contract note.
- CHANGE:New and improved Drawing Fibonnaci Extenstion instead of Price Extension.
- CHANGE: Provide more option to customize Fibonacci Retracements drawing, Percentage Extensions drawing like Hide/show lines, Color, width , style.
- CHANGE: Custom scan buy/sell signals on chart now supported for EMA on RSI, BBandwidth, VWAP.
- CHANGE: Now, Restart is not required when user clears custom scan/ changes selected time frame/ starts the software after sleep or hibernate/ Enable or Disable custom scan.
- BUGFIX: Computation was being performed unnecessary for timeframes which were not selected.
- BUGFIX: Bollinger band sometime spreading when we zoom in and zoom out.
- BUGFIX: Bollinger band sometime spreading when we zoom in and zoom out.
- BUGFIX: Escape Key was not working in full screen chart to exit from full screen.
- BUGFIX: Favorite Tree error icon for custom scan was not working in some cases.
- BUGFIX: Unable to scan favorites using custom scan.
- BUGFIX: Query creation UI for OI % change had some issue.
- BUGFIX: Fix for HDFC-Securites in contract notes.
- BUGFIX: Deleted chart view appears again after restart.
Investar Beta Release (4th May 2018)- FEATURE: Ability to exclude custom scan time-frames from computation for reduced RAM consumption and improved stability of software.
- FEATURE: Supertrend and Bollinger Band now supports fractional parameters.
- FEATURE: Support for VWAP indicator for custom scan.
- FEATURE: Support for Pivot Points-based custom scans (in new Price Action category).
- FEATURE: Support for n% and n-times for Auto S/R and Price Action for custom scan.
- FEATURE: New Candlestick pattern 'Doji'.
- FEATURE:Display High/Low Values of Zig-Zag indicator on chart.
- FEATURE: Functionality to en-large a specific chart in multiple chart layout with Z key (or maximize button).
- FEATURE: Introduced a new custom scan category known as 'Price Action'.
- FEATURE: Proper display to update scans group's status in Favorites in error scenarios.
- CHANGE: More precise custom scan status to let user know the current state of custom scan.
- CHANGE: Removed unnecessary computation of custom scans in off-market scenarios for better user-experience.
- CHANGE:Within N-bars is now calculated for exactly N bars. I.e Within 2 bars will now implies total 2 bars- current bar and 1 bar back.
- CHANGE: In Chart Comparison, the values for each symbol are now displayed in Data Window.
- CHANGE: Bollinger Bands indicator can be now drawn on the values of Open, High, Low, Close.
- CHANGE: Improved Visibility of Auto S/R Lines values (now displayed on mouse hover).
- CHANGE: Increased indicator support for n-times and n-% (e.g. n-times sma(10) of volume).
- CHANGE: “Un-Check All” in Manage Scans should only be applicable to scans in visible tab.
- BUGFIX: Sync scan time improved. Also helpful in case of accidental system shutdown.
- BUGFIX: Computing time improved for newly added custom scan queries.
- BUGFIX: Custom Scan query which contains Open Interest, was giving results in NSE exchange which is wrong.
- BUGFIX: Improved performance of D-W-M custom scans.
- BUGFIX: As soon as Investar started, all scans were getting vanished under some scenarios.
Investar Beta Release (28th March 2018)- FEATURE: Weekly and Monthly (1min & EOD) Custom Scans are available.
- FEATURE: ZigZag Indicator - Added new pricefield 'High to Low' to show swing activity.
- FEATURE:'Crossing above/below' are now supported with min/max.
- FEATURE: Preservation of Lookup settings for F&Os.
- CHANGE: Now user will be able to view query with Ctrl + Q on custom scan in navigation.
- CHANGE: Subquery is now supported with MA indicators on both sides.
- CHANGE: In Scans And Favorites, Column sequence changed as - Change OI, OI, Avg OI.
- CHANGE: Improved Initial computation time of custom scan.
- BUGFIX: While selecting parameters for any indicator, only select numbers entered by user and not whole text.
- BUGFIX: Selected node in Scans & Favorite Pane was getting changed on refresh.
- BUGFIX: Right click menu wasn't showing on transaction when one selects Portfolio-Assets filter in portfolio.
- BUGFIX: Daily (1min) custom scans were not giving proper result.
- BUGFIX: OI Chg% was not calculated properly for NSEFO.
- BUGFIX: Sometimes custom scans of SMA on open, high, low, vol, oi were not calculated properly.
- BUGFIX: Sometimes Custom scan calculation did not start automatically on software start.
- BUGFIX: Scan filters were not working properly sometimes.