All about the P/E Ratio
The P/E ratio is one of the most commonly used ratios in Fundamental Analysis, and if you use it in your investing, you need to know the pros and cons of using it. P/E ratio is defined as:
The P/E ratio is one of the most commonly used ratios in Fundamental Analysis, and if you use it in your investing, you need to know the pros and cons of using it. P/E ratio is defined as:
Trend is one of the most important concepts to understand in Technical Analysis and this post explains why. Trend is defined in Technical Analysis as the direction of the market and can be of three types: uptrend, downtrend and sideways trend. If the direction of the market is upward, the market is said to be […]
Often times, I find traders use technical indicators and follow their Buy/Sell signals blindly, without really understanding how that indicator is to be used. One of the first thing you have to know when you use an indicator is to know what category it falls in. The majority of indicators out there are either the […]
Often times, beginners to stock market analysis wonder which technique is more suitable for trading/investing. This article is a guide for choosing between one or both. To understand which technique you should chose, you need to understand what each one is all about first.
I have found that many traders are looking for tick-by-tick data in their Technical Analysis software without really understanding why they require it, hence this blog post.
We often get asked if Investar can help in finding profit targets and stop losses, and the answer is a resounding yes! This post explains a very simple technique used to set profit targets (with a real example). It uses resistance levels to set profit targets.
Do you trade NSE Futures or Options intraday? Soon, we will be launching our NSE F&O Intraday Beta with 5-min real-time updates for all stock & index futures and options. Also, our popular Intraday Screener and Scan Alerts will now support all NSE traded futures, so you can scan all NSE futures in intraday as […]
Coming Soon: A Special Edition of Investar with Nifty Futures and Options intraday and End-Of-Day charts (spot charts are included)! This edition is specially for those traders who trade ONLY in NSE Indices like Nifty, BankNifty, Minifty and Dow and S&P 500 Futures.
Last week the Nifty finally closed on a weekly basis above 5400 first time in 6 months confirming the long-term uptrend. But more importantly, last week, we eliminated the possibility of a sideways trend after the end of the 14-month long-term downtrend signalled on 27th Jan, 2012. For those who have been following our Facebook […]
Ever since the breakout in Nifty 2 weeks back, it has been pretty much in correction-mode, correcting from 5350 to almost 5168 on 12th Nov, 2011. This is not what a healthy breakout is supposed to look like. 5165 was the resistance (the top level in the sideways trend from mid-August to 24th October, which […]
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